Goals for Growth: Social Media
Sep 08, 2020
If you're a person who is always about your (hashtag) goals, then you know that setting, and keeping, social media goals get old quickly.
Because social media platform algorithms and features change every couple of months and trends come and go like taxis in New York, it can be cumbersome to nail down a strategy, let alone set goals.
We have the recipe for social media goal-setting for you. The trick to the recipe, however, is that you customize it for your own "taste" (lifestyle, industry, time, etc.).
If you thought we would make a social media post and not mention consistency, you are suddenly mistaken. By now, everyone knows that when it comes to social media success, consistency is key. (Raise your hand if you read that in sarcasm.)
As cliché as it is, it's the truth. But, we don't only want you to consider that consistency matters, but rather focus on what consistency means to you. The magic is being honest with yourself and then choose the cadence of your consistency.
If you know you will only post 3 times a week to Instagram, despite what that last marketing webinar you sacrificed your lunch break for specifically said, then 3 times a week is it! Please don't beat yourself up about it. However, if you're aren't truthful about your ability to produce and post the content, you will never be consistent.
Example consistency goal: I have 5 hours a week blocked off on my calendar, and added to my to-do list, dedicated to social media marketing. I will create content for and post 3 Instagram posts and 3 Facebook posts per week.
Sometimes, we all get so caught up in trying to be on-trend and on-brand that we lose our personalities. Since your brand has a personality, the same happens for your business or organization.
Always opt to be yourself. If you've done the work of genuinely defining who your brand is and decided your brand voice, you can make new trends and use new features in a way that makes sense for you.
Also, authenticity on social media guarantees that you connect with the right audience, and no algorithm change will take them away.
Example goal around authenticity: Post one behind-the-scenes post on Instagram every two weeks to connect with your audience and generate at least 25 comments to boost engagement.
Early Adoption
Most people are not going to be on board with this ingredient in our recipe. But, it might as well be a secret ingredient.
Social media is constantly giving us new ways to engage with each other. New filters, virtual reality, GIFs, emojis, editing capabilities, and more fill each platform to keep posting fresh and fun.
Most people avoid the newest thing and wait to see how others use it and then find a comfortable spot, or they never adopt or adapt. If you want to be a leader in a trend, don't be afraid to jump in and just do something.
Yes, staying on-brand and being "professional" is essential, but so is your willingness to take risks. Be transparent, but first BE!
Example early adoption goal: I will attempt to use the latest Instagram feature at least once a week until I've decided if the feature truly works for my brand or that it is not worth the effort required.
Set your goals around these core principles, and you will find that you have a workable, measurable process for social media marketing that you can maintain.
Remember, don't just set them and forget them. Any marketing of your business is a daily part of your brand operations.
Go(al) get 'em!